Simple Go Lang web service to send emails 🧸✉️

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Simple Go Lang web service to send emails 🧸✉️

In this article, we'll be creating a simple Go application that acts as a REST service.

The application will have one end-point /api/contact will run on port 8080, and will be installed as a systemd service on Ubuntu 20.

Let's start.

What is Go 🧸 ?

Go is a simple and efficient programming language created by Google. It is known for its clean syntax, strong concurrency support, and excellent performance.

Learn more about Go:

Preparing the Go environment

I'm using Ubuntu 20 for this tutorial, If you need to install go on another platform you can refer to the official documentation:

On Ubuntu installing Go is as simple as running

apt update && apt install golang

and then adding the go binaries to the system path by updating my ~/.bashrc with these two lines.

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

To explain, the lines added above are shell commands commonly used in Go development environments to set up the necessary environment variables.

Read the full article here :